When grid power fails, India’s Alembic Pharmaceuticals depends on Perkins-powered back-up generators

Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited is one of India’s leading pharmaceutical companies with nine manufacturing locations across the country. Each of them requires a reliable source of electric power to keep their operations running at full capacity to meet the growing demand for their products.



When grid power is unavailable, as it is for up to 200 hours annually in some locations, they depend on diesel powered standby generators built by Supernova Engineers, Ltd. and powered by Perkins engines. The most recent of eight Supernova back-up installations for Alembic uses two Perkins® 4012-46TAG2A ElectropaK turbocharged, air-to-air charge cooled, 12-cylinder diesel engines, each delivering 1500 kVA. 

‘’When we looked for diesel generator sets and OEM suppliers that meet our requirements, we chose Supernova and Perkins,” says Jignesh Patel, manager (engineering) at Alembic. “Supernova is strong in standby power and Perkins engines are well known for their performance, low-cost of operation and the support they offer.”

In fact, Alembic is so satisfied with the performance provided, and the support they receive from Supernova, that they now only use Perkins-powered back-up generators.

Jignesh adds: “Perkins engines are really durable, and have a high load acceptance capacity – even for its compact size. We have not faced any operational or service issues with any of our generator sets, and are looking forward to continuing our collaboration with Perkins and Supernova in the future.

“Supernova, backed by Perkins engines, is truly a pioneer in providing the required energy support in an efficient way. Constant supply is a key factor for us and Perkins rises to the occasion and meets all our needs.”

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