Legal statement: Perkins Lovol Engines (Tianjin) Co LImited

Statement issued 1 August 2008 and updated December 2010

Perkins Engines Company Limited and its affiliates accept no responsibility or liability for any products produced by Tianjin Lovol Engines

It has come to the attention of Perkins Engines Company Limited and its affiliates (“Perkins”) that some third parties are offering for sale as "Perkins" or "Perkins Lovol" engines that have originated from Tianjin Lovol Engines Co Ltd, formerly known as Lovol Engines (Tianjin) Co Limited and Perkins Engines (Tianjin) Limited (“Lovol”).

Perkins would like to make it clear that it has no involvement or interest whatsoever (including financial) in Lovol, and engines made and sold by Lovol under its present or former names contain components that have never been approved by Perkins.  Lovol's right to use "Perkins" in its company name was a transitional step that ceased on 31st December 2007.

Products and engines manufactured by Lovol are not authorised to carry the Perkins or "Powerpart" trademarks or the Perkins logo, and are not covered by Perkins' warranties. Perkins accepts no responsibility or liability for any Lovol products, regardless of when they were produced or where they are sold.

Furthermore, the distribution and product support functions of the Perkins group of companies do not support any products produced by Lovol and Perkins distributors are not authorised by Perkins to offer service or parts for any engines produced by Lovol.

Perkins advises you to check the authenticity of any engines branded Perkins that are not purchased through your local Perkins distributor.  Care should particularly be taken due to similar engine series nomenclature being used in relation to engines manufactured by Lovol.  If you are in any doubt as to whether an engine branded or sold as Perkins is a genuine Perkins engine supported by Perkins, please contact your local Perkins distributor or

Should you become aware of non-genuine engines being branded or sold as Perkins, please contact

Issued by Perkins Brand Protection Council
(December 2010)