Perkins Singapore – fast and reliable service

Singapore boasts a highly developed and successful market economy and is one of the world’s main trading hubs. Perkins Singapore, our parts distribution centre for the whole of the Asia-Pacific region since 2011, takes advantage of the excellent trading links there to operate a total of 44,000 shipping lines throughout the region each year.

Our employees at the Singapore facility are totally committed to providing a fast, responsive, efficient and reliable service.

The parts they ship out are Perkins products that are exactly the same as those fitted to new engines – genuine Perkins parts, that will give you years of trouble-free service and ensure that your engine continues to run at its best.

They operate the latest computerised receiving, checking and shipping systems, along with fast links to Singapore’s air and seaports. Turnaround is fast and reliable, meaning that you get the right parts, to the right specification, as quickly as possible, cutting any possible downtime on your engine to the minimum.

“When you place an order, you want the right part and you want it quickly. You can count on us to deliver.”
Matthew Rayson, distribution services manager


Close to our customers

The port at Singapore is one of the largest in the world, handling over 500 million tonnes of cargo a year from some 120 countries, while Changi Airport has been named Asia’s best cargo airport for the last 28 years.

The fast, efficient and direct links throughout Asia and the South Pacific keep us close to our customers, and guarantee the fastest journey times possible from our facility to your factory.

Working with our network of local distributors, we make sure that you receive parts and service that you can rely on.



Our Singapore facility.

Address information

Perkins Engines (Asia Pacific) Pte ltd
2 Tuas View Place #01-04M

Tel: +65 6578 9600
Fax: +65 6896 8785

Facility information

  • Warehouse size: 1,603m2
  • Orders: 44,000 processed per annum
  • Employees: 10

Fast facts

  • Fast, computerised processes
  • Operating since November 2011
  • Processing 44,000 orders a year