McElroy TracStar®
Pipe fusion machine

Powered by the Perkins® 904J-E36TA

McElroy fusion pipe machine
McElroy fusion pipe machine

The process of fusing pipe by machine, which involves joining two pieces of thermoplastic pipe with heat and pressure, was pioneered by McElroy Manufacturing in 1969. The company created the world’s first centreline-guided, semi-automatic, hydraulic machine for fusing 2” to 6” pipe. Today, McElroy’s lineup of fusion machines includes more than 20 manual, rolling hydraulic, tracked hydraulic and specialty models.






Oklahoma, U.S.




Tracked hydraulic pipe fusion


The future of fusion is here

Wherever there’s water, oil, natural gas or other liquids to move, you’ll find fused pipe. It’s seamless, leak-free and resistant to corrosion, vibration and pressure surges — all of which means it lasts longer (up to 100 years) and requires less maintenance than traditional piping systems, bringing down costs.

The process of fusing pipe by machine, which involves joining two pieces of thermoplastic pipe with heat and pressure, was pioneered by McElroy Manufacturing in 1969. The company created the world’s first centreline-guided, semi-automatic, hydraulic machine for fusing 2” to 6” pipe. Today, McElroy’s lineup of fusion machines includes more than 20 manual, rolling hydraulic, tracked hydraulic and specialty models.

For operations fusing long pipelines and working on tough terrain, the pipe fusion machine of choice is McElroy’s TracStar®. Self-propelled via rugged, dual rubber tracks, it can traverse mud, snow, loose soil and grades of up to 30 percent with ease. The chassis-mounted carriage allows for easy pipe loading and movement along the pipe, and it’s removable for access to tight spaces. And because every TracStar can drive itself up and down the ramps of a trailer, there’s no need to bring a crane on site.


Making every operator a star

In 2021, McElroy launched the next generation of TracStar machines. New iSeries models feature the FusionGuide Control System, integrated software that guides the operator through every step of the process. After the operator prepares the pipe and enters all joint details, the system manages machine pressures, heater actions, shift sequences and more to ensure every fusion meets standards.

“Our customers continue to face labour challenges in terms of finding qualified operators,” says Geoff Koch, McElroy’s vice president for product development. “Our goal is to make it easy for anyone to run these machines and deliver a repetitive, reliable fusion joint every time.”

One way McElroy aims to achieve that goal is by providing options for different operator experience levels and jobsite requirements. iSeries models are the only pipe fusion machines available with three levels of control in a single machine: manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic modes.

Compliant, convenient, quiet

Another update on iSeries machines is a move to the latest emissions-compliant engines. All three models — 630i, 900i and 1200i — are powered by Perkins® 904J-E36TA U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final/ EU Stage V engines. “Stage V is a requirement for Europe, but we also chose Perkins because the Stage IIIA previous model is so similar,” Geoff says. “With equipment running worldwide, we need a dual-certified platform to sell into certain countries. The commonality between the models reduces the amount of design differences on our end.”

McElroy also is taking advantage of the engine’s Power Take-Off (PTO) to drive some hydraulics on iSeries machines. “One thing that makes the TracStar unique is that our primary engine load powers an onboard electric generator, which adds convenience since the customer doesn’t have to transport a generator on site,” Geoff says. “The PTO on the Perkins engine provides the opportunity for a very streamlined package.”

In a series of product showcases held before the first iSeries models were shipped, another feature of the Perkins engine stood out — a lack of noise. “People commented on how quiet it was, even running at full throttle,” Geoff says. “That’s becoming more important for anyone working in urban areas.”

Support in the pipeline

iSeries machines are the first McElroy products with Perkins engines, but Geoff has great confidence in the brand’s reputation for service and support. “If there’s an engine issue, we know our customers can access the Perkins service network locally wherever they are. And as equipment ages, they’ll have access to the parts they need to keep it running,” he says. “The Perkins name carries that commitment of support.”



“People commented on how quiet it was, even running at full throttle. That’s becoming more important for anyone working in urban areas.” 

Geoff Koch, McElroy’s vice president for product development




Perkins® 904J-E36TA

  • This compact, 4 cylinder engine provides excellent performance in power, peak and low speed torque, fuel consumption and transient response.
  • The 904J-E36T engine offers an 11 percent power uplift to help you downsize; includes 12 percent more torque to enhance your machine's productivity and fits in over 80 different applications.
  • Fuel consumption is optimised to match the operating cycles of a wide range of off-highway applications.
  • Our facilities worldwide employ the same efficient processes, the same tested and validated components, and the same stringent quality controls wherever your engines are manufactured.
  • A naturally quiet engine by design, it's the obvious choice for tractors used around livestock and noise sensitive areas.
  • MThe engine design uses components that allow the engine configuration to be altered to meet different emissions standards whilst keeping the same core.

Our engines

Learn more about this engine and others in this range

  • 904J-E36TA
    Maximum Power
    142 hp
    106 kW
    Maximum Torque
    417 lb-ft @ 1500 rpm
    566 Nm @ 1500 rpm
    EU Stage V, U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final, Japan 2014
    EU Stage V, U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final, Japan 2014


    Learn More
  • 1104D-44T
    Maximum Power
    99.9 hp
    74.5 kW
    Maximum Torque
    289 lb-ft @ 1400 rpm
    392 Nm @ 1400 rpm
    UN ECE R96 Stage IIIA, China Nonroad Stage III
    UN ECE R96 Stage IIIA, China Nonroad Stage III


    Learn More

Product overview

Being a leading choice on jobsites where fusing long pipelines is required, the TracStar® fusion machines offer freedom of movement and an ease of manoeuvrability. These vehicles can navigate through rough terrain and gradients up to 30 percent due to their self-propelled rubber crawler tracks. They are also all self-contained with the necessary electrical equipment on board. 




Related profiles

McElroy's TracStar® case study

Learn more about McElroy's TracStar® and how it fuses long pipelines and works on tough terrains. 

Download the pdf here
McElroy's TracStar® Case Study Download
McElroy's TracStar® Case Study Download


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Streamline your engineering process with Perkins CMET

Comprised of design engineers, technicians and engine installation experts, Perkins CMET works in close collaboration with global original equipment manufacturers’ (OEMs) engineers to streamline the process of engineering our engine into your machine and optimising its performance to meet your customers’ needs.

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