Wacker Metroark Chemicals trusts the power supplied by Captiva

Uninterrupted power and reliability

Wacker Metroark Chemicals
Wacker Metroark Chemicals

Active in the silicone, polymer, life sciences and polysilicon markets, Wacker and its Indian partner Metroark founded Wacker Metroark Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. in 1998 to produce and sell silicone products on the Indian subcontinent. To meet its need for a reliable power source, Wacker Metroark Chemicals has chosen to collaborate with Captiva Energy Solutions, which was founded in 2010 with the aim of specialising in customised generator sets.


Captiva Energy Solutions


Kolkata, India


Electric Power


Generator sets




Uninterrupted power and reliability

A constant source of power is a vital requirement for majority of businesses as they look to maintain and possibly grow their offering, while meeting their customers’ requirements.

Active in the silicone, polymer, life sciences and polysilicon markets, Wacker and its Indian partner Metroark founded Wacker Metroark Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. in 1998 to produce and sell silicone products on the Indian subcontinent.

“The constant growing demand for silicones used in the textile, personalcare, rigid and flexible polyurethane foam and agrochemical sectors is an opportunity for us to expand our business in India and its subcontinents. To cater to this demand, we need to be on our toes to offer best in class products while maintaining our high-quality standards,” explains Somnath Chakraborty, manager electrical at Wacker Metroark Chemicals.


Constant power supply

“At our Amtala plant, which has an annual capacity of over 6,000 metric tons production, we always need a constant power supply to run the plant and keep the production moving,” continues Somnath.

“We thought of Captiva as one of the renowned OEM brands in the generator set market. Its low cost of ownership and the variety of product ranges were something we were looking for.”

Customised solutions delivering dependable power

Determined to provide businesses with a reliable power source, Captiva Energy Solutions was founded in 2010 in Kolkata, India, with its aim being to specialise in customised industrial generators. Captiva knew that to be successful, its products would have to be compact, meet international regulations and emission standards, and be supported by a responsive and customer-focused service network.

In just 11 years, the company has quickly grown its presence in the Indian market by offering customised diesel-powered generator sets, along with control systems, acoustic solutions and an exhaust solution which are designed to suit the customers’ demands.

To provide the dependable power that’s required, Captiva has chosen to only work with quality component suppliers such as Perkins, whose 4000 Series diesel engines provide highpower, dependable solutions for the Indian market.

4000 Series engines keep the business running

Wacker Metroark Chemicals’ Amtala site features four Captiva generator sets, fitted with two Perkins® 4008-TAG2 engines delivering 1125 kVA each, one 4008-30TAG2 with an output of 947 kVA and one 4008-30TAG3 offering a powerful 1055 kVA, which were installed between November 2016 and January 2020.

The versatile 4000 Series has thousands of hours of proven reliability in standby installations, while its compact design makes it simple to transport and install. The economical eight-cylinder variant also delivers excellent power-to-weight ratios and load acceptance.

“For the past six years, we have been using these generator sets as a backup power station and they have been providing a constant source of power without any disruption,” says Somnath. “On an average, we require around 200 hours/year of power supply from the generator sets and Perkins’ engines have, in our opinion, always been able to provide us with great reliability and value for money.”

Efficient and reliable

“The Captiva team guided and supported us from the day of installation through to today, making our bond grow stronger,” Somnath adds.

Thanks to the ongoing support and service offered by Captiva and Perkins, the installation, which has been providing reliable backup power for over six years, has performed whenever the grid has gone down.

Somnath states: “Captiva’s generator sets with Perkins 4000 Series engines installed at our plant are one of the advanced sets which are offering uninterrupted power and reliability. We always say that we feel proud to work with Captiva and Perkins and, we will be happy to be associated with them in future too.”


“On an average, we require around 200 hours/year of power supply from the generator sets and Perkins’ engines have, in our opinion, always been able to provide us with great reliability and value for money.”

Somnath Chakraborty, manager electrical at Wacker Metroark Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.




Perkins® 4008

  • The 8 cylinder Perkins® 4008 range gives you the versatility you need in today's power generation market. 
  • The range has proven reliability in prime and standby installations in all of the key sectors, such as manufacturing facilities, hospitals, and data centres.
  • The 4008 engines have exceptional power-to-weight ratios and compact designs, making them simple to transport and install.
  • The 4008 can be supplied with cooling systems for either tropical or temperate environments to meet your needs, whatever your location.
  • Options for the 4008 include twin heavy-duty air cleaners – paper element with pre-cleaner.

Our engines

Learn more about this engine and others in this range

Product overview

Captiva Energy Solutions has quickly grown its presence in the Indian market by offering customised diesel-powered generator sets, along with control systems, acoustic solutions and an exhaust solution which are designed to suit the customers' demands. To provide the dependable power that's required, Captiva has chosen to work with Perkins, whose 4000 Series engines provide high-power, dependable solutions for the Indian market.




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Wacker Metroark Chemicals case study

Read how Wacker Metroark Chemicals relies on Captiva Energy Solutions' generator sets to keep production on track at its manufacturing facilities.

Download the pdf here


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