Bahmani group
NOOR Generator sets

Powered by Perkins® 4008-TAG2 diesel engines

Case Study: Bahmani
Case Study: Bahmani

Bahmani Group is a Dubai-based company focused on designing, engineering and producing sustainable energy solutions for customers in more than 60 countries. With over 37 years of experience creating the high-quality diesel power generator sets, they have established themselves a well-known and trusted solution provider in the Middle East and Africa.


Bahmani Group


Dubai, UAE



Electric Power


Generator sets



Bahmani logo

NOOR generator sets make a difference

Bahmani Group is a Dubai-based company focused on designing, engineering and producing sustainable energy solutions for customers in more than 60 countries. With over 37 years of experience creating the high-quality diesel power generator sets, they have established themselves a well-known and trusted solution provider in the Middle East and Africa.

It’s rapidly growing reach and expanding portfolio of power generation technologies has helped Bahmani continue to develop and deliver technology-rich solutions that provide customers with the efficient, reliable, affordable and sustainable power they need, no matter where it’s needed.

Power needs had recently hit critical mass in Ukraine, where events were affecting the ability of its people and infrastructure to find reliable sources to power as the harsh cold of winter was quickly approaching.

Working together with suppliers in the country, Bahmani helped select and deliver a large number of their NOOR Generator Sets to help fill those essential energy gaps. Whether supplying large amounts of power to rural or grid-deficient homes and building, or acting as dedicated energy sources for critical institutions like hospitals, shelters and schools, the NOOR generator set range helped power a necessary sense of normalcy for the people and places in need..

Bahmani NOOR generator sets

With containerised and enclosed design types, as well as their compact and rugged construction, NOOR generator sets helped ensure that critical power didn’t just get to where it was needed but were also able to fit into nearly any circumstance. When fitting into urban environments, where space is always at a premium and noise level matters, their space-saving designs prioritise low-noise and vibration performance.

Another critical consideration for the Ukrainian users was what it would take to operate and maintain performance for the generator sets and its Perkins® 4008-TAG2 Series engine. Thankfully, the NOOR solutions were built from the beginning to operate with low fuel consumption without losing performance in unfriendly ambient conditions. Add to that their built-in ease of maintenance and extended service intervals, and the generator sets were able to give operators peace of mind when it came to the cost of power and upkeep.

Powered by Perkins

Central to the performance across the lineup of NOOR generator sets was the power provided by the 4008-TAG2 Perkins engine. “This investment has put us in a strong position and has allowed us to produce high quality products at a faster rate and yet at a competitive price,” says Bahmani Group general manager, Sami Ramz.

Aside from the optimised performance that both engineering teams work to bring out of each engine, there’s also a deeper appreciation that has driven the relationship between the two brands.


“The Perkins brand carries a strong reputation for reliability, durability, and performance, which can instill confidence in our customers.”

Sami Ramz, Bahmani Group general manager




Perkins® 4008-TAG

  • The 4008 range engines provide 884-1250 kVA generator output. 
  • The 8 cylinder option in the 4000 Series, the 4008 range engines can be supplied with cooling systems for either tropical or temperate environments to meet your needs, whatever your location.
  • Economical and durable, the engines give you excellent power-to-weight ratios, outstanding load acceptance and improved gas emissions.

Perkins® 4008-30TAG

Perkins® 4008-30TAG

Our engines

Learn more about this engine and others in this range

Product overview

The NOOR solutions were built from the beginning to operate with low fuel consumption without losing performance in unfriendly ambient conditions. Add to that their built-in ease of maintenance and extended service intervals, and the generator sets were able to give operators peace of mind when it came to the cost of power and upkeep

NOOR generator


NOOR generator sets Gallery 1
Bahmani NOOR generator sets Gallery 2
NOOR generator set Gallery 3

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Bahmani generator sets case study

Read why the Bahmani NOOR generator sets help fill essential energy gaps.

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