Pionner Pumps - Powernews Case Study
Pionner Pumps - Powernews Case Study

Delivering performance, efficiency and reliability

Pioneer Pump operates in markets around the world, with Pioneer Pump Ltd selling and renting pumping equipment throughout the UK, Europe, Middle East and North Africa to sectors including municipal, construction, quarrying and mining, industrial, agriculture and numerous rental fleets.

Selecting Perkins engines as its diesel power supplier of choice has helped Pioneer Pump Ltd, based in Suffolk, UK carve out a distinctive, valuable USP, raising standards and expectations in a global market saturated with manufacturers. 

Pionner Pumps image

“Our customers come to Pioneer for performance pumps” says Paul Skippins, commercial director of Pioneer Pump Ltd. “The pumps deliver performance, efficiency and reliability - when a pump is called into use it’s expected to perform. 

“We’ve used Perkins IOPU engines for over ten years, electronically and mechanically controlled. That, and the reassurance that DiPerk is always available to deliver the best engine for our stock made it an easy decision to partner with DiPerk for our entire sub-130 kW EU Stage V diesel powered range.” The Perkins® 403J-17, 403J-E17T, 404J-E22TA, 904J-E36TA and 1204J-E44TTA have been carefully selected to optimise pump performance across multiple applications, while reducing end user operating costs. 

“There’s no doubt that price helps, but the most important criteria are engine quality, reliability and after sales support,” says Paul. “It really has been critical for the success of our rental fleet, where for the smaller utility pumps, having a robust engine capable of continuous operation in harsh environments, is vital.”

Want to know more? Read the full case study. 


Pioneer Pumps case study video
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