Constant Power Solutions - Powernews Case Study
Constant Power Solutions - Powernews Case Study

Delivering diesel-powered generators to an exact customer specification

In only seven years Constant Power Solutions (CPS) has grown into an international supplier of diesel-powered generators exporting products to more than 50 countries for clients as diverse at the United Nations, Amazon and a British local authority. CPS director and co-owner Daniel Arnett attributes this success to the company’s staunch ‘Made in the UK’ philosophy.

“All our sets are assembled in the UK,” he says, “designed and built by UK engineers. It’s the reassurance of UK build and quality, and our flexible attitude towards design and development, constantly guided by customer need and requirements.”

At the heart of every generator is an engine and for CPS, there was never any doubt that Perkins—through distributor DiPerk—would always be the ‘go-to’ choice. One of the earliest CPS orders—for Flintshire County Council, included six Perkins® 1103A-33TG2 60 kVA AP60S powersets. CPS also used a Perkins® 1206A-E70TTAG2 with a fully bunded integral fuel tank for a bespoke build for an Amazon distribution centre.

Daniel says the Perkins brand name is a big factor in customers’ decision-making along with the technical support DiPerk offers including supplying third party certifications needed to meet import regulations in many countries.

For example, a recent commission for a customer in Nigeria— at the time, their largest individual sets at 2000 kVA with a Perkins® 4000 Series engine—required a product conformity assessment, known as SONCAP which DiPerk supplied. CPS has found that for organisations like the United Nations that kind of technical support always outweighs price. 

Want to read more? Read the full case study.


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