Trained technicians provide unrivalled engineering expertise
Engineering expertise is guaranteed when you choose Perkins distributor technicians for the maintenance, repair and overhaul of your engines. They understand that reducing downtime is a high priority for our engine users and they have the skills and passion to get your engine back in action quickly. Our distributor technicians know our engines better than anyone and have the tools and experience to keep your engine running at optimum performance for longer – supporting your productivity, profit and growth in whatever industry you operate.
Perkins distributor technicians have unrivalled expertise and experience when it comes to looking after your engine. Nobody understands your Perkins engine like we – and they – do, whether for routine maintenance, repair or overhaul.
We know downtime is expensive for you. That’s why our distributor experts use their technical knowledge, experience and cutting-edge tools and software to get your engine up and running – and performing at its best – as quickly as possible. This means the least possible impact on your productivity and profits.
Our distributor technicians work on Perkins engines every day. This gives them the experience to spot even the most minor issue with your engine, in the quickest time. With in-depth training by Perkins on each and every engine type, our distributor technicians understand how our engines are constructed and the best way to look after them.
In terms of repair and overhaul, the technicians’ training covers exactly how to return your engine to the condition it was in when it left the factory. When it comes to looking after our engines, they have hundreds of hours of experience assembling, disassembling and reassembling them.
Our distributors’ expert staff follow recommended servicing, repair and overhaul procedures to the letter to ensure the optimum performance of your engine so you continue to achieve optimum power output and maximum fuel efficiency from your engine while meeting emission standards.
Only our distributor technicians have access to the Perkins tools, software and processes to carry out the highest standards of work. It gives you peace of mind knowing you’re getting servicing and repairs that you can depend on.
What’s more, they have access to all the latest information and software for your engine and access to every genuine Perkins part.
Should they need further support or advice, all our distributor technicians have instant access to up-to-the-minute research and development carried out at our manufacturing development centres around the world.
You can count on them to provide the highest levels of expertise, the right parts, and the best response times possible, whatever your engine needs. There’s no better choice than putting your engine – the beating heart of your business – in our distributor technicians’ hands.
If you're ready to receive trusted advice from a Perkins expert, speak to our team today.
Connect with usRead how Perkins is putting hybrid solutions to the test; meet our new 2600 Series for power generation, features on Californian agriculture, the Perkins® E44 from build-line to boat, Bauma China review and an interview with senior strategy manager SMSP Sylvia Burwood.
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