TI Cycles of India


TI Cycles of India (a unit of Tube Investments of India Ltd.) is a bicycle manufacturer based in India. Established in 1949, TI Cycles is the maker of brands like Hercules and BSA cycles. Currently, it is the first largest cycle manufacturer in India and number one manufacturer in special segments like mountain bikes, sports lite roadsters, racing bikes, etc. 

Perkins steps up 

TI Cycles of India chose to install generating sets powered by two Perkins® 4012- 46TAG0A engines for both its plants in Chennai and Rajpura to manage the erratic grid power supply situation. Perkins powered generator sets were chosen over other brands due to their better performance and reliability.

Perkins engines provides results 

The Perkins 4012, 12 cylinder, engine has an excellent power to weight ratio. They are compact, easy to operate and have good ambient performance capabilities.

“We have used ‘Sterling‘ generator sets powered by Perkins engines in our premises for over a year now and have not faced any issues. Sterling Generators provide good product support assistance. We are delighted to recommend Perkins powered generator sets to our group of companies..”

Mr. B. Balachandar, Manager – Maintenance, TI Cycles of India

Fast facts

TI Cycles installed two Perkins® 4012-46TAG0A engines at its Chennai and Rajpura plant.

  • Customer: TI Cycles
  • Location: Chennai and Rajpura 
  • Engine Specification: 1 x 4012-46TAG0A and 1 x 4012-46TAG0A
  • Application: Prime
  • Rating: 1250 kVA
  • Sector: Manufacturing