Jason Kern is Perkins global marketing and channel development director. He puts his success down to strong values, acting with integrity and always working to deliver the best results for customers.
Describe your new role and how it supports Perkins customers?
In this role, I’m responsible for executing our global marketing and rental strategies and leading the Perkins Distributor Excellence programme. Collaborating with our customers is at the heart of these activities, as we work to add real value to our original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and help them become more successful.
What previous roles have you had and how have they prepared you for this one?
I have held both commercial and product management positions, all of which have given me great exposure to our global customers. I’ve been on numerous job sites and met many customers. Everyone is looking to do better and willing to talk if they think you can help.
What have you learned from your previous roles that are helping you meet the challenge of your current one?
From my time in the field, I’ve learned the importance of listening to customers to understand what they need. That experience has helped me look at things from the customer perspective. We have so much to offer and one really needs to look at the whole picture to understand how we can best help the customer. From my product group experience I’ve seen how we develop and manufacture our products. This helps me better understand what OEM’s need.
What’s the secret to building enduring customer relationships?
Communication is the most important thing to maintain so everyone knows what’s happening and what to expect. Our goal is for our customers to see us as the best power supplier, who can make their business more successful. So, we must understand their key business drivers and concerns and deliver products and services that achieve that goal. We can only do that if we’re communicating.
What do you do to unwind?
The main thing is exercise, which usually consists of a morning run. I have my hobbies, which include golf and flying.